Everything You Need To Know About Delta Kites (Including How High They Fly)

Everything You Need To Know About Delta Kites (Including How High They Fly)

How High Can Delta Kites Fly?  If you’ve ever seen a kite flying, then there’s a high chance that what you’ve seen is a Delta Kite. This kite design is the most known kite design adapted in different parts of the world.  Delta Kites can fly higher than the government restriction of 150 feet. Professional…

How Does Flying a Kite Make You Feel? The Excitement Of Flying A Kite!

How Does Flying a Kite Make You Feel? The Excitement Of Flying A Kite!

Have you ever tried flying a kite before? Or saw your childhood friends flying one? Perhaps you looked at the sky and wanted to chase it? But one thing is for sure.  Flying kites is exhilarating and full of adrenaline, even if your feet are on the ground. While it’s a fact that designing and…