A Guide To Stacking Power Kites

Are you fascinated when you see two or more kites flown by a single kite flyer on a central string? In this article, we take a deeper look at kite stacking and how to do it.

Kites that have holes in the middle are the easiest to stack. These include the Conyne winged box kites and the delta Conyne box kites.

We’re going to stack some serious information about stacking kites, so let’s get flying with this and dive right in.

How Do You Stack Kites?

Stacking kites involves combining and flying them simultaneously, most often with the same line. The stacked kites could be two or more. Watching stacked kites is entertaining, not to mention it creates a colorful sight. 

Kites that have holes in the middle are the easiest to stack. These include the conyne winged box kites and the delta conyne kite (source).

Some manufacturers offer the stacked kite line kit. The Prism link line kit, for example, contains five pigtails (short) and five-link lines (equal length). These links connect two kites at the attachment point of the harnesses, ensuring the kites stay parallel to each other (Source).

A lark’s head knot should be tied to the link lines of the head kite when stacking two kites. Take note that the lead kite will be the kite closest to the kite operator when flying. One should then attach the lines to the frame. It is in front of the four lower and upper bridle points.  

The lines are supposed to lead backward towards the kite that’s behind. Owners should then attach the pigtails to the exact points on the back kite by tying. However, a lark’s head knot should link lines to secure it to the pigtails upon preparation for launch. 

The other pigtail (center fitting) should be at the kite’s front. One should pull it through the hole in the sail in front of the fitting.

Basic kite stacking involves a combination of large and small kites. However, one can also stack the same-sized kites. Slacklines can be purchased at shops or made individually. A vital factor to note is that the distance between the kites should be about three-quarters the leading-edge length (Source).

These lines should be adequately tied to the spars and not entangle into anything. It keeps the stacked kites from wobbling when in flight. When stacking more kites, all that’s required is adding more link lines and pigtails to the added kites. Stacked kites require heavy lines because the pull experienced is stronger (Source). 

How Do You Stack Diamond Kites?

Diamond kites easily decorate the sky (outdoor kiting) and rooms (indoor kiting). These kites are highly recognizable in the western world. Features such as flight simplicity and ease of construction have made them stand out (Source). 

Typically, these kites require tails to help with their stability. However, some of these kites have elongated sail shapes that help with stability and render tails unnecessary. These include the Malay and the eddy kites, thanks to the bow added to the cross spar (Source).

Some refer to these kites as ‘two-stick kites.’ It is because of the vertical and cross spars that run from end to end. Since these kites became famous centuries ago, they have been essential for practical purposes. These include meteorological observations, long-range radio signal transmissions, and ariel photography (Source).

The introduction of diamond stunt kites proved to be a refreshing addition and change from the delta stunt kites. Peter Powell, a kite legend, popularized these kites, and they were mass-produced. As a result, kite flying became accessible to very many. Diamond kites are fun to fly and allow usage of the entire sky. Stacked diamond kites will double the fun (source). 

Five primary points should be attached when stacking kites. 

These include the lower and upper spreader connectors and the center-T. The lengths of line required are five, and they should have loops on both ends. Small circles (five) are also needed (Source). 

The small loops should be attached to one kite. The attachment lines must be at every point on the other kite. 

How Do You Set Up A Power Kite?

Power kites are also known as traction kites, and they are massive kites that provide serious pull to the user. There are various power kites, with the two most common being the leading-edge inflatable (LEI) kites and foil kites. Other types that aren’t very common are the soft single-skin kites and the rigid frame kites (Source).

LEI kites contain inflated ribs, and their leading-edge has an inflated tube. A pump is required to inflate the ribs and the tubular leading edge before the actual launch. Their nature allows them to keep their structure looking the same even after getting wet. Their relaunch is also pretty easy, which makes them great for kitesurfing. 

Foil kites consist of various cells that contain cloth ribs. These ribs give the kite its shape and allow lift generation.

Many power kites utilize two lines to move the kite around and is equally divided between these lines. There are power kites with more than two lines. Those with four separate lines have distinct power lines and steering lines. Steering lines help operators move around while the power lines deal with the power (Source). 

There are two ways to maneuver kites. One is by using two separate handles or using a bar. The latter is a typical recommendation by owners as they enable more control. 

Take note of the kite’s size before purchasing power kites. Wider kites will be required in areas with light wind, while smaller kites are suitable in areas with stronger wind. Other necessary factors to consider during purchase include wind direction, skill level, knots, and operator body weight. 

The first step when setting up power kites is assessing the location you intend to kite in. when assessing the area, the safety of the kite flyer, the kite, and those on the site should be taken into consideration (Source).

Setting up a power kite involves taking it out of its bag and laying it down with the trailing facing into the wind. Sand should be placed on the kite to keep it from being blown away. Operators should unwind the lines from the bar, starting at the kite and moving into the wind. This process, however, is only for light winds (Source).

How Do You Control A Power Kite?

Kites with single lines require limited steering control. They are merely moving the flying line to control the kite. Operators must sharply tug at the string to make the kite launch forward. The line should be allowed to slack to drift backward (Source).

For dual lines, simple hand movements will control the kite. Pulling left will allow the kit to turn left and vice versa. Some kites contain brake lines that help with faster steering. On the other hand, power kites require a bit of tension on their rear lines to move forward. 


Kite stacking adds fun to kite flying. When the kites move simultaneously in a routine, however, those opting to stack their power kites should be extra careful. 

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