Your Guide To Choosing A Kite Manja

Are you wondering what the best way to choose a kite Manja is? In actual fact, a kite Manja can be made in different ways and can have between 6 to 12 cords, and each is suitable for a different type of kite. 

The choice of Manja depends on kite type and intended use. If you are participating in a kite competition, the type of Manja and the materials used become essential factors in winning or being competitive. 

This article goes over the best types of Manja and how to choose one for your kites. 

What Is Manja? 

Manja is a word that indicates a kite line coated with glass powder used for regular kites and fighter kites. It is widely used in India to participate in festivals and kites competitions. The kite line is made to be abrasive, gummed, and colored. 

But India is not the only country where Manja use occurs on fighting kite lines. 

People also use this type of string in Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Brazil, and Chile. But in Brazil, it is called “cerol’ and in Chile, “Hilo curado.” 

The purpose of using Manja is to have a strong line able to cut other kite lines during a competition or a festival. In India, for example, there are unique festivals such as the Makar Sankranti celebrated in mid-January, during which participants fly fighter kites with Manja strings. 

They try to entangle their lines with other kites to cut the other flier line. The winner is the one that will manage to keep the kite flying, while other participants’ kites will drift away, and spectators will try to capture them. 

Kite and manja thread for kite fighting. This is a popular sport in Rajasthan and Gujrat during makar sankranti and uttarayan

What Is Manja Made Of?

People typically make Manja of cotton thread coated with rice glue, tree gums, and an abrasive glass powder. You can buy Manja already made, or in some areas, people make their homemade recipe, varying the ingredients.

While traditional Manja is made with pure cotton, it is possible to buy a synthetic one that is not biodegradable but also hard to break. While such synthetic material can last longer, it is also dangerous for people and birds. 

You can easily make Manja at home by investing a bit of time and at a low cost by purchasing a few tools and ingredients. 

What Type Of Manja Is Best For Your Kite?

Manja consists of many small threads combined to form a stronger cord. Typically, the threads consist of cotton, and it is possible to find 6, 9, 12, and sometimes even 16 cord Manja. 

You can choose the type of Manja depending on the dimension of your kite and what you plan to do with it. The primary kind of Manja is the “Indian manja” made of pure cotton. You can find the following types:

  • Six cord Manja 
  • Nine cord Manja
  • 12 cord Manja

A 6 cord Manja combines six small threads into one, and you can find it flying average-size kites. Since it has fewer threads than the 9 and 12 cord Manja, it is the thinnest and sharpest of all. 

It can’t support big kites, but this manja does an excellent job cutting other people’s kites on average kites. The best wind range to fly a kite with a six cord Manja is between 4 and 10 km/h. 

The nine cord Manja combines nine small threads into one and can endure more pressure than a six cord Manja and thus, you can use it with medium and big kites. 

However, if you have a small kite, you should not use this type of manja because it can get loose in the air (due to its thickness) and will get cut easily. 

You can use a nine cord Manja with wind below 15 km/h.

A 12 cord Manja combines 12 small threads into one, and it is the strongest ninja of all. People use it to fly big kites or in situations where a kite has to withstand high pressures. However, since it is a thin line, it is ineffective in cutting other kites. 

A 12 cord Manja can be used to fly in with over 15 km/h.

Types of manjaWind speed Type of kite
Six cord Manja4 and 10 km/hSmall and average size kites
Nine cord Manja15 km/hMedium and big kites
12 cord Manjaover15 km/hBig kites

Which Manja Is Best For Cutting Kites?

In general, a nine cord Manja is best for cutting other kites because it is both resistant and sharp due to its coating. However, a 12 cord Manja would be too thick, while a six cord Manja would be too thin and break easily, although it can cut other kites easily.

A 9 cord Manja will not break too quickly, and it is not too heavy or thick like a 12 cord Manja. However, for more experienced fliers, a six cord Manja can be more effective in cutting other people’s kites due to its thin and sharp shape. 

But, there are limitations since the kite has to be small and can fly only with particular winds. 

Is Manja Dangerous? 

Synthetic Manja is more dangerous than traditional because it is hard to break due to its sharp coating. For this reason, manja can be hazardous to people and birds. 

So in some parts of India, manja is banned and can’t be used. It has happened after incidents of birds getting cuts and people getting injured.

In addition, the synthetic Manja is not biodegradable, and it is harmful to the environment. 

If any such line is hanging where people are biking can create bad injuries, and it can even be dangerous to bystanders during festivals and competitions. 

Although it is nice to have the strongest manja and possibly win competitions, it is better to follow some simple rules for everyone’s safety:

  • Use cotton Manja threads only. Do not use synthetic materials
  • Make sure you are at a safe distance from other people when flying a kite
  • Use gloves to protect your hands
  • Remove the leftover manja from the ground or trees whenever you see it, and if possible. 

Some refer to the synthetic Manja as “Chinese manja” (due to its typical country of manufacture). You should probably avoid it for better quality actual fiber lines.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best thread for kite fighting?

The best thread for kite fighting is the strongest one available which means a 12 cord Manja. It would be best to use a 12 cord Manja for fighter kites because they can withstand higher pressures and fly in higher winds. 

However, you can use nine cord Manja can as well, and it is cheaper and strong, but not as good as the 12 cord Manja. 

How do you build a strong kite thread?

If you want to build a strong kite thread, you should use manja or make it yourself in-house. Coating a kite line with glass powder and other materials can reinforce the line and make it sharp at the same time. 

You can make Manja indoors using a hammer to crush a piece of glass and make it into powder. After that, you have to make homemade glue. Once the glue is ready, you can place it on the thread and glue the glass powder to it. 

What is Chinese Manja?

Chinese Manja is a synthetic manja made with nylon and treated with metal (not only glass powder). Due to its materials, Chinese Manja is cheap, durable, and more robust, which makes people win duels in kite fighting.


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