Six (6) Things That Flying A Kite Teaches You

Have you ever wondered what the fuss on flying a kite? Other than getting the opportunity to enjoy oneself, kite flying provides additional benefits to kite flyers. In this article, we discuss the various lessons learned through kite flying. 

Kite flying offers the opportunity to learn various lessons and virtues. They include mindfulness, patience, perseverance, confidence, problem-solving skills, motor skills, balance and coordination, teamwork, and creativity.

What Does Kite Flying Teach You?

Problem-Solving Skills

There are common problems that occur when kite flying. Some of these problems may make it challenging to fly kites. It can be an opportunity for parents to teach their children problem-solving skills. It can encourage kids to take on challenging projects and situations as they grow up. Kite flying beginners also get the chance to learn ways to mitigate flying problems for successful kiting.

Common Problems When Flying A Kite

Some of the problems that may arise when flying kites include spinning kites, minimal or excessive wind, turbulence, poor construction, minimal or extreme weight, and crashing kites. Kite flying can also prove difficult for beginners, and it’s necessary to acquire the correct technique (source).

Common corrections include decreasing or increasing the kite’s ability to bow, which, in turn, decreases or increases its dihedral. It also includes altering the kite’s tow point on the keel or bridle. Also, one can increase the kite’s drag by using tails. 

Launching kites only for them to spin and swoop can be discouraging. It is a common occurrence for handmade kites. It happens because the kite is unbalanced. Adding tails is one of the best ways to restore or create balance (source).

Why Tails Are Important

Tails are attached to the lower part of the kite. It creates drag which makes the lower part point downwards. The center of gravity lowers, and the added weight changes the kite’s balance, resulting in instability.  

Kites with tails that still swerve to a single side are heavier than others. In this case, the operator should add short backends to their wingtip. 

Pre-made tube tails are best for large-sized kites. These tubes are long and narrow and are a strong plastic material. Another type of tail to consider is the drogue. This tail has a cut-out bottom shaped like a bucket (source).

Promotes mindfulness

Being mindful of one’s surroundings helps one be fully present and aware. Kite flying is a sport that requires adequate concentration and ensures people aren’t working on autopilot. Daily routines can cause people to carry out tasks without being sensitive to their surroundings. Such situations lead to boredom and, at times, stress.

It is where kite flying comes in. it allows people to be physically and mentally present. It is a great way to manage emotions, improve pain management, and decrease anxiety (source).

Why Is Kite Flying Fun?

Kite flying is an outdoor fun-filled activity during spring and fall. This sport improves the well-being of all those who participate in it. It is by providing opportunities to exercise and interact with other individuals. Those who also wish for peace can get the chance to fly alone. 

Spending time in nature can be a great time to unwind as one enjoys its beauty. This activity is also a great way to bond with children. Children and adults learn how to focus as they undertake this activity. It is because kite flying requires lots of decision-making and judgment (source).

For example, steering clear of power lines is necessary when flying kites. Also, one kite operator should be safe from other kite flyers and spectators. It is to avoid getting kites tangled or harming others. 

Supervision Is Still Necessary

While kite flying is not a dangerous sport, adult supervision should be when children fly kites. Kids can be so into the sport that they lose focus. For example, they can get their kites stuck on trees. 

Sometimes, however, the kids don’t have to be flying the kites for mishaps to happen. They could be running after kites or standing too close to power kites about to be launched. Therefore, discussing safety practices with kids is necessary to avoid injuries and avoidable inconveniences (source). 


When starting, kite flying can seem like a challenging sport, especially when kites won’t launch. Children can get discouraged by this. However, with the guidance of parents or kiting instructors, they should be encouraged until they successfully get the kite up in the air. This seemingly slight nudge to keep trying and working hard can trickle down to other areas, such as studies (source).

Why Do Kites Respond Negatively?

There are various reasons why the kite may respond negatively. Such disappointments can be avoided or mitigated by teaching kite flyers the basic kite flying rules. Launching, for example, can be an issue of space, wind speeds, and kite characteristics.

Perseverance may also mean waiting till the kite flying aspects are favorable. 

The wind is an essential aspect of kite flying. The amount of current required is dependent on the type of kite that one owns. Some kites require higher wind speeds, while others require lower wind speeds. Medium wind speeds are enough for most kite flying (source).

Determining The Adequacy Of Wind

One of the ways to determine if the amount of wind is adequate is by observing one’s surroundings. For example, the waving of flags and rustling of leaves are indications that the wind is sufficient. However, operators must refrain from flying a kite when trees are swaying and the winds are likely too firm. 

Medium winds, in particular, are favorable as they support flying kites and dancing them around in the sky as well. Operators must also avoid lightning and rain. It is because of the attraction of the electricity in the clouds to kite lines.

Find Suitable Areas To Fly Your Kite

The suitable flying spaces ensure that kites fly effectively. Such areas include parks, beaches, and farms. The thing that these three locations have in common is adequate space. Kites require plain sites for them to soar into the sky. 

Flying kites become problematic when a location is full of obstacles such as trees and buildings. It means that the wind goes around and over buildings and trees. It makes the wind bumpy and thus challenging to fly kites (source).

Disappointment is inevitable

Just as in life, disappointment does occur when flying kites. While such moments can be devastating, one can hope for better days. Therefore, one should take the lessons learned from the disappointing moments and use them to make better decisions when the opportunity presents itself. 

One experience that is likely to devastate young kite flyers is the loss of a kite, notably a handmade kite. There have been cases where a kite flyer lost its kite after being detached from the harness. Since there was adequate wind on a specific day, the kite kept rising and was uncontrollable since it lacked a kite line (source). 

Why Would One Lose A Kite?

A boy chases down the kite to avail, and it finally lands on a neighbor’s tree, which leaves him devastated. It is because this meant he would have to abandon the kite. 

Various kite safety practices need to be adhered to to ensure the safety of kite operators and those around them. It includes knowing the power and limitations of one’s kite and ensuring anchors are strong enough to hold kites. Also, kite operators should know their skills, strengths, and regulation (source).

Flying kites near houses are discouraged as they can destroy windows, sidings, and roofs. Also, when kites end up on roofs, are hit by a car, or are stuck on trees or power lines, they should be left behind and acquire new kites (source).

Learning to ask for help

Family take walk in autumn forest flying kite

Asking for help is something that many refuse to do. This fear is because people don’t want to look incompetent, weak, or needy. According to author Garret Keizer, people act as though asking for help is a deficiency. Later, people may hold their fear against them or get hurt (source).  

The surrender of control to someone else makes people feel very uncomfortable. Kite flying, however, discourages this. Some kites won’t launch without assistance; this particularly applies when working in light wind conditions. 

Once a friend agrees to help when flying in light winds, they should walk 50 feet away from the kite operator (downwind) and hold it up. Once given the signal, they should let the kite go, and the kite operator will pull it till it launches. It is known as the long-launch technique (source).

In other cases, one may require assistance when building the kite. Sometimes it would be to carry equipment. 

Maths and Physics

Students gain a better understanding of maths and physics when they get involved in the creation and operation of kites. Where math is involved, young kite flyers learn how to count shapes and colors. When building kites, many measurements are required (source).

Physics is involved when determining how kites work, how high they can go, and why kite launching must be available. The forces that ensure airplanes fly are the same used on kites. These are the same forces the Wright brothers relied on to determine aerodynamic characteristics (source). 

What Does Kite Flying Teach Us?

Besides being a fun sport, kite flying offers other valuable benefits. It mainly applies to children. There are necessary skills taught to children to carry with them into adulthood. Such skills and lessons allow them to interact with other people effectively. It also provides a practical aspect to their classroom lessons.

These lessons include learning how to solve problems, ask for help, properly process disappointment, and persevere. 

Motor skills

Besides the lessons mentioned above, kite flying also helps with improving motor skills. Motor skills include gross and fine motor skills. With gross motor skills, one must move the entire body and utilize large muscles (source). 

Fine Skills Vs. Gross Skills

Good examples of motor skills include running, jumping, and walking. One must acquire these skills before getting the fine crafts. The power that one generates using limbs is excellent. All of this only uses the limbs. 

On the other hand, fine skills require small body movements, which means one should control these movements. Also, fine motor skills need less muscle power. Such skills require people to hold books or open packages easily. 

Children require more patience when learning such skills. It mainly applies to more delicate tasks. Both gross and fine crafts are necessary when flying kites. It is used when running with kites or merely holding kite strings. 

Balance and Coordination

Balance and coordination are other skills that kite operators also enhance when flying kites. According to top-end sports, balance refers to remaining upright or maintaining control of body movements. On the other hand, coordination means efficiently moving more than one body part to maneuver (source).

Balance has two classifications: static harmony and dynamic balance. Dynamic balance happens in maintaining equilibrium when in motion. Static balance occurs by maintaining stability when a person or object is still. Body senses and body parts such as ears and eyes are essential when achieving balance. 

Coordination Over Balance

Coordination is more complicated than balance. It requires other components such as balance, agility, and strength. Fortunately, kite flying, including other sports, can enhance coordination and balance. It is because it involves practice and training. 

Other activities that help achieve dynamic balance include riding bicycles, walking, and dancing. Static balance could involve standing or sitting (source).

As mentioned before, body parts play an essential role in balance and coordination. It includes hand-eye coordination and eye-foot coordination. Hand-eye coordination is imperative when catching a ball. It comes in handy to prevent the kite from flying away. Eye-foot coordination helps in staying away from obstacles and avoiding potholes or cliffs. 

Typically, kite fliers start using a single string; they can graduate to two lines with practice. It is thanks to proper balance and coordination (source).

What Are The Benefits Of Flying A Kite?

Kite flying is a sport enjoyed by people of all ages. Adults can reminisce about how they would fly kites as children. It also becomes an opportune time to share such memories with their children. It serves as a great bonding opportunity and the chance for parents to instill values into their children.

Confidence booster

The lack of confidence can be detrimental to children. Therefore, it can diminish their self-esteem, affecting their interaction with other children. It can prevent children from taking on new projects in childhood and as they grow. Fortunately, kite flying is a confident booster.  

 Kite operation involves building kites and flying them. Once children see their creation, it gets them excited. With the help of adults, they get to launch successfully. Teaching them to make corrections when problems arise with adults boosts their confidence.


Teamwork is an essential aspect of class projects and work projects. In such scenarios, the saying’ two hands are better than one couldn’t be more accurate. It helps complete a task quickly, but it removes the opportunity for diverse ideas to surface.

Children can work with their siblings or friends to produce their ideal kites. It may be difficult to launch the kite alone when launching in light wind. In this case, one can ask for assistance from a friend. Also, during the launch of gigantic kites, several individuals will be required to help with the setup and launch of the kite.

Encourages creativity

Kites do not have to be plain and boring without color. Children can explore their creativity during the kite-making process by signing their names or painting the kite. It can be easy to identify one’s kite when in high altitudes. Also, the tail enhances the kite’s look.  


Patience is another value that kite flying instills in children. There are specific conditions ideal for kite flying. In these conditions, kite flying can prove difficult or even impossible. It includes kite characteristics and wind speeds. It can be frustrating for young kite flyers. However, this also provides the opportunity to learn how to study the wind or check for wind speeds. 

How Kite Is Related To Our Life

Socializing is an essential aspect of everyday life. When children learn how to fly kites, they can introduce their friends from school to fly kites with them. It also serves as a great way to make friends. 

When purchasing kites for the first time, one may settle for the cheap one. However, one learns very quickly that cheap can be expensive. It is because some cheap kites prove ineffective and get destroyed fast. It results in digging into one’s pockets soon after purchasing the first kite. Quality, in this case, becomes more critical, which may mean buying a slightly pricier kite (source). 


More people should embrace kite flying. The sport has so much to offer. All while encouraging people to exercise and responsibly enjoy the outdoors. Like with other sports, one should adhere to safety practices. 

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