Everything You Need To Know About Delta Kites (Including How High They Fly)

How High Can Delta Kites Fly? 

If you’ve ever seen a kite flying, then there’s a high chance that what you’ve seen is a Delta Kite. This kite design is the most known kite design adapted in different parts of the world. 

Delta Kites can fly higher than the government restriction of 150 feet. Professional kite fliers have to apply for permits to be allowed to use their kites higher this level. This process varies from country to country. 

State And Country Kite Flying Restrictions

Public safety is one of the reasons why there are certain places where kite flying is restricted. Some countries have detailed laws determining how high a kite can fly and where you can operate one. You can consult with your area’s local aviation department or your kite flying peers.

The laws on kite flying opt to promote a safe and quality outdoor experience to all. You can be sure not to exceed the limit placed in your area if you will check the length of your kite string when you use it. In theory, kite flying can potentially cause interference to flight operations, so some laws enforce a strict policy regarding kite flying. (source)

Alter the length of your kite string depending on the highest flight limit for your area.  

How High Can Kites Fly? 

One hundred fifty feet above the ground is the limit for general kites flying in one’s backyard. It is to prevent you from obstructing other aerial activities in your area. While using your kite higher than the law allows is illegal, you can still do so under conditions. You can request permission from the governing body in your area about aerial activities.

In some cases, the law categorizes kites as anchor balloons with higher flight restrictions. If you are flying your kite above the allowed altitude, put color markers and streamers on your kite. Make sure that you use visible ones for at least 1 mile to avoid aerial accidents. 

Suitable Materials Mean High Altitude Flight

If your kite has the proper materials, this can contribute to how far your kite can go flying. Because of the high altitudes of a kite, it can sometimes create an aerodynamic surface. This phenomenon can convert wind energy into energy used for turbines and such. (source)

Some kite builders make a mistake by putting too much effort into their kite designs. When this happens, the kite begins to diminish in its capacity to glide with the wind. The primary materials that can affect the altitude of your kite’s flight are the sail material and the dowels.

Research conducted in Japan used a high-strength polyethylene fiber for its sail. And the said kite was able to fly for an extended time at 7km above the ground. (source)

There are plenty of options for the type of sail that you can use for your kite. But, if you want to aim for higher altitudes, use lightweight materials instead.

Good Types Of Sails

Your Delta Kite’s sail can either be cloth or plastic. If you’re being mindful of the weight of your kite, then go with using a regular plastic bag for the sail. A sail made of plastic will barely affect the kite’s total weight.

Another item you should look out for is the kind of dowels you will use. Others use redwood, basswood, or yellow pine wood, but it is best if you will use Spruce as your wood. The material will allow your Delta Kite to have a flawless wind gliding motion while up in the sky.

Is There A Limit To How High You Can Fly A Kite?

Yes, there is a limit to how high you can fly a kite. However, the flight limit depends on your state and country. Usually, anything above 150 feet can be subject to fines by different government agencies. 

Depending on where you’re planning to conduct your kite flying activity, you will know. There are different laws for different states and different rules in other locations.

Areas near airports or highways enforce a stricter policy on kite flying activities. Disobeying the law means hefty fines. It’s also not allowed to fly kites in residential areas and private property spaces. 

If equipped with the suitable materials and permitted to, Delta Kites can fly high. Some kite fliers even reach more than 1000 feet using Delta Kites. Read about other types in How High Can Normal Kites Fly?

Are Delta Kites Good? 

Yes, Delta Kites are suitable for both beginners and professional kite fliers. It is the most famous type of kite used in the many corners of the world. 

Delta Kites have a single-line design that makes it easy to navigate. It also has excellent performance even in areas with only light winds. 

Because of their shape, Delta Kites are more noticeable than other kite designs. Its simple design tends to be eye-catching for kids and adults who enjoy kite flying. 

Delta Kites have a triangular body shape. Some also have what one would call a ‘tail’. The tail allows the navigators to control the kite with more ease. It also contributes to the swift movements we see in Delta Kites. 

Convenient For Beginners

Delta Kites are suitable for first-time use as well. Its design has a ‘spreader’ that extends from one end of the kite to the other. It is to help maintain the shape of the kite during its flight. 

Past research reveals that some Delta Kites may have rigid curved sides. Such designs are said to have promising effects on the kite’s speed. (source)

Delta Kites can quickly launch into the sky compared to other kite shapes. Its simple design makes it easy to navigate, even for new kite fliers. 

This particular kite’s design enables it to move with the wind, not on its own. Delta Kinds is suitable for those who lack experience as it doesn’t pull on the string too much 

Beautiful kites in a kite festival

How Much Wind Do You Need To Fly A Delta Kite? 

Many kite designs enable it to at least fly at certain heights, even when there are only a few blows of wind. But to enjoy kite flying, you can opt to wait for a wind speed between 8mph to 24mph.  

To know the wind conditions in your area, you can look at the leaves and grass. If it constantly moves in a specific direction, you have at least 8mph to 12mph of wind. 

If you start to see dust rising from the ground and small branches affected by the wind, you’re at 13mph to 18mph.

Finally, if you see small trees swaying because of the wind, then there’s a high chance that the wind condition is at 19mph to 24mph. 

Keep Track Of The Wind

Check local weather forecasts or watch the news about where you plan on doing your kite flying activity. You can also go to online websites that offer wind updates for free.

You can also add to your equipment your wind gauge, which you can find online and in specialty stores. A wind gauge tells you the wind speed and the direction in which the wind is going.

You can use these tools until you get to a point where you can tell the weather condition all by yourself. Observe and be mindful of the simple things that make up for what you’re looking for awareness. 

Do Delta Kites Need Tails? 

Delta Kites may come without tails because the design doesn’t require it. But most owners choose to add a backend on their Delta Kites. 

Tails on Delta Kites help stabilize it at high altitudes or during strong winds.

Small Delta Kites have tails attached to the center of the frame. Meanwhile, larger Delta Kites have backends attached on parallel sides of the kite. 

Delta Kite tails should be three times longer than the kite’s sail. If you only attach a short tail to your kite, it will continue to perform as if it has no tail. One of the best ways to know the best tail length for your kite is to test out different sizes. 

You can knot two rings of sail material together to form your Delta Kite’s tail.

When encountering harsh winds, kites that do not have tails usually spin and roll a lot. It lacks stability and often takes time to recover. But the same cannot be said for kites with attached backends. 

Making A Delta Kite With Home Materials

First, check to see if you have the following materials for your kite-project. Once you’ve completed these items, you can start building your Delta Kite. 

Line Or String

The first thing that you need is your kite line or string. You can use various products; you can even use yarn that you can find at home. But the most advisable option is for you to use nylon.

Remember to place the kite string further down to the edge of the kite’s frame. A 1903 research explained that tying the knot in the middle of the keel and between the bow will help the kite’s angle. (source)

Sail And Dowel

Plastic bags. Like the ones you use for the garden to throw away oversized items. Choose ones that are at least 2 feet wide and 4 feet tall. Avoid plastic bags that easily stretch during use. 

You will need a sturdy plastic bag for your sail. Be sure to choose one that fits the requirements for a kite. Another item you should add to your list is insulation tape. It is the best tape type to ensure that the materials stick together.

The last thing you’ll need on your checklist is a dowel for your kite. Almost any type of wood will do. But if you want your kite to fly high, choose the kind that doesn’t weigh much.

Delta Kite Flying Originated Back In 1940 

Wilbur Green, an Architect, discovered a frame that would later be famous as a kite. During that time, no one else knew of this, so what was an accidental discovery turned into a business. 

In 1957, Green founded a company and called it the Gayla Brand. It pioneered in the industry as no one else knew how to make kites at the time. 

When many other businesses entered the kite selling market, they started calling the kites Delta Kites. But not long after, Green would decide to sell the Gayla Company.

The Delta Kite trend continued to be accepted by the public. Eventually, people discovered how to create kites for their use. And so, a lot of different versions are taught to us today. 

How To Fly A Delta Kite

When settled in a space with no barriers like trees, electrical posts, and such, you can start to unpack your kite. Assemble it and connect the parts that should cross over each other. 

You can opt to use a glove if you would prefer one. Remember that you need to have a proper grip on the kite spool. 

Stand facing the direction where the wind is blowing and start to let go of the kite. Slowly loosen the strings as the wind comes and guides the kite into the sky.

If you think that the kite is not really accelerating or if it’s sinking, then try to wait for strong winds to come. Then, you can repeat the process.

Once you’ve decided to pull back your kite, spin the spool of string slowly and pull on the kite. It would be best not to drag the kite aggressively to avoid damage. 

Another way you can do this is by putting the spool on the ground and grabbing the released thread. Wait for the wind to die down and slowly pull the kite towards you. 

Kite Flying Tips


To make your kite flying experience fun and worth it, you need to find an area that will allow you to move around quickly. 

Look for an area with little to no obstacles on the ground to prevent accidents. Since you will be looking at the sky most of the time, you won’t have time to pay too much attention to the ground.

If possible, choose a space with no trees and obstacles like electrical posts. Avoid accidents by refraining from areas with lots of these two things. 

If you’re planning to use your Delta Kite in your backyard, that’s fine. Just make sure that there are no electrical lines near you. If there is, make sure that the wind condition in your area is suitable for flying kites.


If your Delta Kite gets stuck on an electrical grid, it’d be best if you would just let go. These power lines can have too much electricity to pull you in if you don’t keep a proper distance.

Many people die due to electrocution caused by copper wires attached to kites as the strings. The incident took place near a power line. (source)

Wait for the help of professionals if you want to retrieve your kite. Let go of the kite, and do not try to force it back to you. If your Delta Kite gets stuck on a tree, do not try to remove it by pulling on it. Instead, try letting it loose through your string and see if it falls off. This method works in most cases.

Ensure that your kite has the proper equipment if you plan to use it during nighttime. You can install LED lights on the outline of your kite to allow pilots and other kite fliers to be aware of your Delta kite.

Final Thoughts

Trying out new things doesn’t always have to be difficult for those attempting it. It’s essential to consider product design and availability. 

Most kite-selling stores have Delta Kites as these are the most in-demand kites. Remember to pick a design that will work best with the kite flying experience you have.

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